Editorial Team
Editor-in-chief of the Humanities series:
Batanina Irina Aleksandrovna, doctor of polit. sciences, professor, director of institute of humanitarian and social sciences, TSU,
ph. (4872) 73-44-10; e-mail: forum@uic.tula.ru
Responsible secretary:
Vahovskij Aleksandr Mihajlovich, candidate polit. sciences, docent, TSU, authorized representative of TSU in RSCI,
ph. (4872) 25-47-21; e-mail: gumanitarnyenauki@yandex.ru
Members of the editorial board responsible for the branch of science and / or a group of scientific specialties:
Brodovskaya E.V., director of the Center for Political Studies, Doctor of Political Sciences (Department of Political Science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow);
Dombrovskaya A.Yu., Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Department of Political Science, Center for Political Studies of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow);
Grachev M.N., Doctor of Political Sciences (Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Moscow);
Jankar-Webster B., Doctor of Philosophy (State University of New York, USA);
Nazarova E.A., Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Institute of Public Administration and Management RASHiGS, Moscow);
Ogneva V.V., Doctor of Political Science (Central Russian Institute of Management, Russian Academy of Sciences, Orel);
Rimsky V.P., Doctor of Philosophy (Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture, Belgorod);
Sharonova S.A., Doctor of Sociology (Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow);
Stempen-Kuchinska A., Doctor of Political Sciences (Lodz University, Poland, Lodz);
Vasilyeva N.A., Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg);
Yurkov S.E., Doctor of Philosophy (TSU, Tula)