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Bulletin of Tula State University. Film Humanities. ISSN 2071-6141


Subscription index: 27844 (The United Press of Russia Joint Catalog).
Mass media registration certificate: PI No. FS77-75990 of June 19, 2019
Year of foundation of publication: 2007
Frequency: 4 issues per year.
VAK list: is included.


The enlarged groups and the corresponding scientific specialties, in which the collection is included in the new edition "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications - VAK":


5.7.2. History of Philosophy (philosophical sciences)
5.7.7. Social and Political Philosophy (philosophical sciences)


5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences)


5.5.2. Political institutions, processes, technologies (political sciences)
23.00.05 Political regional studies. Ethnic Policy (Political Science)
23.00.05 Political regional studies. Ethnopolitics (sociological sciences)


Editor-in-chief of the Humanities series:
Batanina Irina Aleksandrovna, doctor of polit. sciences, professor, director of institute of humanitarian and social sciences, TSU,
ph. (4872) 73-44-10; e-mail: forum@uic.tula.ru

Responsible secretary:
Vahovskij Aleksandr Mihajlovich, candidate polit. sciences, docent, TSU, authorized representative of TSU in RSCI,
ph. (4872) 25-47-21; e-mail: gumanitarnyenauki@yandex.ru

Members of the editorial board responsible for the branch of science and / or a group of scientific specialties:
Brodovskaya E.V., director of the Center for Political Studies, Doctor of Political Sciences (Department of Political Science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow);
Dombrovskaya A.Yu., Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Department of Political Science, Center for Political Studies of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow);
Grachev M.N., Doctor of Political Sciences (Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Moscow);
Jankar-Webster B., Doctor of Philosophy (State University of New York, USA);
Nazarova E.A., Doctor of Sociological Sciences (Institute of Public Administration and Management RASHiGS, Moscow);
Ogneva V.V., Doctor of Political Science (Central Russian Institute of Management, Russian Academy of Sciences, Orel);
Rimsky V.P., Doctor of Philosophy (Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture, Belgorod);
Sharonova S.A., Doctor of Sociology (Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow);
Stempen-Kuchinska A., Doctor of Political Sciences (Lodz University, Poland, Lodz);
Vasilyeva N.A., Doctor of Philosophy (Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg);
Yurkov S.E., Doctor of Philosophy (TSU, Tula)

Rules for writing the manuscript: (download)
Example of the basic elements of the article: (download)